Sunday, 7 August 2011

a word on the launch of this fantastic event.

A Great Thank you to the Radisson hotel and managment, for allowing us to present the launch last night,thank you to everyone for turning up.Kieran Fitzgerald who brought this race/event into action,also who swam the channel a number of time himself and is an inspirational long distant swimmer.Thanks Kieran this event would'nt have happened otherwise.Paul(sam)mc Garry for the organizing and connection with the northwest hospice which this race will represent this it's first year and every year after will represent another worth while charity.I must say well done and well given speech from sam with regards this event there was and is a lot of details and organizing that can only be appreciated by those who have done the same,would understand how much goes into preparing to create something so memorable.A great thank you to Paul's brother Dessie& wife Phil mc Garry who have given a generous and wonderful contribution of an amazing perpetual trophy made from a 600 year old piece of Irish hand crafted bog oak which takes the shape of a swimmer,which i have to say will be a cherished and honorable piece to take a place in any winners home.This piece will be in memory off des&phil's courageous and brave son Neil who sadly lost his battle for cancer last October,just shortly after when my own father past away.Which has been my own inspiration for taking on this great event.Of course i would like to mention myself  and my brother chris for being allowed to have contributed some of his time for his support on and in the water and my small effort in  helping with this 8.5km swim.
We would like to thank all of the people who attended last nights launch,Winifred who represented on the behalf of the northwest Hospice,Phillip mc Caffery for being there to take the snapshots(thanks Phillip), and all family members on all sides,for some of the swimmers who will also be taking part in this memorable race,lynsey dunne,padraigh davey,anthony blake,andy hamilton, shane o doherty and not forgetting those who could'nt be there last night.i will keep up to date with the events as the swim comes nearer.
Thank you everyone again for your great support.

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